Bevvs Terms of Service


Welcome to Bevvs. We are glad you have chosen to use our service. We are committed to providing the best possible value and convenience for you. Before you get started, you must read and agree to these Terms of Service. Please read them carefully, thank you.

Acceptance of Terms of Service

By signing up to and using Bevvs ("Bevvs," "we" or "us"), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. Bevvs may at any time modify these Terms of Service. You can review the most current version of it by clicking on the "Terms of Service" link located at the bottom of the Bevvs website, The most current version will supersede all previous versions. By continuing to use the Bevvs services after changes are made and notified to you (via the email you have registered with us), you agree to be bound by such changes.


Any information that you submit or we collect when you are using the Bevvs service is subject to the Bevvs Privacy Policy, the terms of which are available by clicking on the “Privacy Policy” link at the bottom of the Bevvs website,

Mobile Application

We may update our application at any time without your concurrence. We will notify you of any major product alterations, however you accept that it is the sole right of the service provider (Bevvs) to do so without your consent.


You understand that the default number of posts you can publish to app per month is 50 and that it we may change this at any time without your consent. In distributing content to the general public Bevvs stand by the policy whereby any deemed offensive language or image may be removed, by us, from the public domain, you understand that as a user of our services Bevvs can remove any such posts at will without explanation. You acknowledge that, being the licensed premises, you are under the current governing standards set in place by the governing body and that Bevvs are in no way responsible for any fluctuation from the regulations put to you. You understand that Bevvs have the right to terminate your account at any time following frequent discrepancies, such as the above fore mentioned.


You recognise that although, at present, Bevvs is primarily a free service, we withhold the right to introduce fees at any time without your consent. Bevvs accepts payment in a number of differing formats, you understand that Bevvs do not accept responsibility for any additional fees you may incur by means of a particular payment method, be they transfer fees or otherwise.

Refund Policy

Customers will receive a full refund of the purchased service if requested within 10 days of initiation date.

Privacy, Your Personal Data and Cookies

The privacy of your personal data is important to us. We collect information from you at various places on the Bevvs website, for example when you register with Bevvs.

Please see our Privacy Policy for details of how we will process your personal data.

Our Liability

To the fullest extent permissible by law, we exclude and disclaim all warranties, terms, conditions and representations that might otherwise be implied by law in relation to the Website. In particular we do not represent or warrant that the Website will be error-free, free of viruses or other harmful components, or that defects will be corrected. You must take your own precautions in this respect.

We do not accept liability for any failure to maintain the Website and/or late or failed delivery of any Materials.

We shall not be liable, under these Terms and Conditions for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

The Materials may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Materials.

We shall not be liable for any loss caused as a result of your actions or in-actions based on the Materials available on the Website. However, nothing in these Terms shall affect your statutory rights, and nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude our liability for:

Death or personal injury arising through our negligence;

Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and/or

Anything else that cannot be excluded or limited by us under Scottish law.

Force Majeure

We shall not be held to be in breach of our obligations hereunder nor liable to you for any loss or damage which may be suffered by another party, due to any cause beyond our reasonable control including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, act of god, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident; weather, war or threat of war, sabotage, pandemic flu or virus, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or measures or any kind on the part of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority; strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions, power cuts or trade disputes (whether involving our employees or of a third party); or any act or omission of government or regulatory bodies or communications operators.

Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any matter or dispute arising in connection with them shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. However, we retain the right to bring legal proceedings in any jurisdiction where we believe that infringement of these Terms and Conditions is taking place or originating.


You agree to indemnify and hold Bevvs and its related companies, and each of their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents and merchant partners harmless from and against any third-party claim or cause of action, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, arising, directly or indirectly, out of your use of the Bevvs application or your violation of any law or the rights of any third party.

Contacting Us

If you have any concerns or queries about the material which appears on our Website or if you have questions about your use of this Website or these Terms and Conditions please contact us at: