How It Works

Bevvs is a free service dedicated to providing the nightlife industry with easy and effective promotion.

Sign up today to start advertising to a targeted audience and connect with engaged users.

Add Venue
Under the MY VENUE tab, add or edit your venue information for as many locations/events as needed.
You can upload a display picture, include payment details (to accept funds from users) and customise your biography among adding other details.
Add Staff
Your promotions will generate unique codes for each user that obtains.
Under the STAFF tab, you have the option to create limited account access for your employees in order to streamline the code checking process.
They will not be able to post or edit your details.
Post Offer
Let users in the immediate and surrounding areas know what promotions you have on offer.
Do so by entering your offer details in the provided fields.
You can set a price or make it free, establish exclusivity by limiting the number of obtains and upload a picture if necessary.
As a seller, Bevvs charges you a transaction fee of 15% of the total sale amount after your promotion has sold. There are also PayPal fees to consider, for most sellers this fee is US$0.30 plus 2.9%.
Customer View
The offer will appear on the consumer driven mobile app either in real time or at the time of your choosing.
Directions are available to help the customer straight to your door with ease.
Code Checking
When a customer arrives with promotional code, inputting the code into the checking field will notify you or your staff of the viability of the offer.
Doing so will mark the offer as *used.
Offer Stats
Keep up to date with your various offers by monitoring their statistics.
Statistics available are: number of views, number of obtains, gender of users who obtain and the age of the users who obtain.
You can also review the progress of any sales made here.
Sign up and start advertising now.