Privacy Policy

Safeguarding your rights

The privacy of our users is important to us and we take care to safeguard it. This policy explains how we use your personal information.

What information do we collect?

When you register as a user, we will collect the information necessary to provide the service which includes your username and an e-mail address. You will also be asked to provide your location and address, but you can register without providing these details. Once you are registered, you can revisit your profile at any time to amend these details or to provide additional details.

We will also collect information from you if you complete any other forms on our site or if you contact us with comments or specific requests.

What do we use personal information for?

We want to provide a service which is personalised to each of our visitors. We also want to give you control of what you receive as a result of registering with

Information collected automatically

We automatically collect information about your visit to our site. This information is used to make your visit to our site more efficient, and to help us follow browsing preferences on our site so that we can make regular improvements. Our external web host may also automatically log your IP address, a unique identifier for your computer or other access device.


Like most sites, uses small text files called cookies to allow you to work with us and to help us improve your experience.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc) downloads in much the same way as it displays images and video. The cookie allows us to remember certain things about your visit, such as: if you've signed in.

When you visit a page in your browser the cookies from that site are sent back to the server to allow it to change its response accordingly. The information held in a cookie cannot be sent to any site other than its original source.

How does Bevvs use cookies?

In visiting a page on your browser may store the following types of cookie:

Anonymous analytic cookies

In order to improve our services and monitor for problems, we use anonymous analytic cookies to follow visitors on our site.

These cookies tell us if you've visited our site before, what pages on our site you've seen and if you have taken certain actions (signing in). The information held by this system is anonymous and cannot identify an individual user.

How can I turn cookies on or off?

Most modern browsers will allow you to control which cookies you want to accept for any particular website. Although the exact mechanism will vary between browsers you will usually find a "cookies" or "privacy" section under the "Help" menu of your browser's toolbar.

For more information on how your browser can help you filter cookies, please refer to the user guide.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

More information about cookies, including how to block them or delete them, can be found at

Information requests

You can ask for a copy of the information we hold about you at any time (for which we may charge a small fee). We will also correct any inaccuracies in your information at your request.

Changes to this privacy policy

If we make changes to our Privacy Policy that will affect how we handle your data, we will let you know by email. Minor changes will not be notified. You can check our Privacy Policy at this page at any time. It was last updated in January 2017.

Your consent

By using this Website, you consent to us collecting and using your details in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The information gathered pursuant to the Privacy Policy may be used by us as set out herein.

If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to be contacted by us, please notify us by email at and we will remove your details within 72 hours.

Get in touch

Bevvs is operated and managed by Bevvs LLP. 51 Desswood Place, Aberdeen, AB25 2EE, United Kingdom

If you have any queries concerning your personal information or any questions on our use of the information, please contact or call +44 7482 852846.